Reliable planning for data centers

The successful development of a highly available data center under the Trusted Site Infrastructure criteria begins in the planning phase. During this stage, TÜV NORD supports operators and planners of IT infrastructures.


Planned progress from idea to goal

Trusted Site Infrastructure (TSI) is not just the de facto standard for the assessment of existing data centers, but also serves as the basis for the planning and design of data centers. It also covers all of the requirements of EN 50600. Many operators, data center planners and engineering firms therefore use the availability levels (level 1 to level 4) of the TSI criteria catalog for orientation when planning new construction or renovation. Invitations to tender for new data centers frequently include the requirement that a specified TSI level must be achieved.

TÜV NORD therefore provides the service of reviewing the planning – typically the design planning – of data centers to ensure its conformity with the TSI criteria. If any non-conformances are identified, they can be corrected before the implementation by means of plan-modifications.

Our services at a glance

  • assessment of documentation, structural design, power supply, etc. on the basis of design planning, schematics and concept description
  • conclusive assessment report as a basis for planning adjustments
  • meetings between planners and TÜV NORD experts 

Your benefits at a glance

  • cost-efficient procedure: good planning from the very start avoids time-consuming re-planning and reworking during the implementation phase
  • greater planning certainty for IT operators and planners
  • TSI is frequently required in calls for tender
  • optimal prerequisite for smooth TSI certification
  • comprehensive technical expertise:  TÜV NORD has at its disposal a team of specialists for all individual disciplines of a data center
  • assessment by the market leader

Further services